Beta-agonists have chemical structures, similar to the naturally occurring catecholamines, adrenaline and noradrenaline. They were originally produced for the treatment of respiratory diseases such as asthma.
Beta-agonists facilitate the use of fats rather than glucose as a fuel source. Therefore, meat production is increased while fat deposition is inhibited. This improves the meat: fat ratio of animals and leads to the production of higher quality meat at lower cost.
There is a risk that residues of Beta-agonists may be present in animal feeds, which may be harmful to the consumer within the end meat products. The use of Beta-agonists as growth promoters has been banned in most countries. Consequently, it is important that abuse of these compounds is monitored. Sample types include Feed.
Product Number: SU2148
Assay | LOD (ppb) | Compound | Specificity (CR%) |
Beta-Agonists | 5.0 5.80 | Clenbuterol Salbutamol | 100 86 |