Diastase in honey converts starch to short-chain sugars and the enzyme activity hints at possible heating and/or poor storage conditions. Heating the honey degrades the enzyme, which is why the EU directive states minimum values. In the U.S., diastase activity is mainly controlled to ensure low diastase values, because much of the honey supply is used at bakeries for mixing with starch-containing food ingredients.
A high Diastase number may cause poor bread texture. Regardless of the objective, measuring Diastase activity is important. The Diastase test kit has a 12 month shelf life and can be operated both manually and on the RX misano
Product Number: 1321 (Phadebas®)
Why test for Diastase in honey?
According to the EU Honey Directive, certain composition criteria must be determined for honeys intended for human consumption. To help meet their goals, the International Honey Commission (IHC) has compiled a host of validated and harmonised methods. The official analysis methods for the determination of Diastase Activity in honey are the Schade and Phadebas® assays, as recommended by IHC.
Method | No. of Tests | Catalogue No. | Sensitivity | Linearity |
RX misano | 25 | 1321 | 0.90* | 52.80* |