When bees come into contact with pesticides whilst searching for pollen they can die immediately and therefore not return to the hive. This means that the queen and rest of the colony are not affected, on the other hand they may transport the pesticide back causing contamination and also potential widespread colony death also known as “Colony collapse disorder (CCD)”.
Some of the most toxic pesticides to bees are the insecticides which are used on agricultural land to maintain crops from getting destroyed by insects.
Neonicotinoids also known as neonics are a class of insecticides and contain some of the most widely used insecticides in the world such as Imidacloprid.
Pesticides are regulated globally by various governmental agencies. The availability of screening methods allowing the detection of pesticides is then beneficial in test settings to monitor their presence to ensure food safety.
Product Number: EV4395A
Assay | Decision Level (ppb) |
Acetamiprid | 6.0 |
Amitraz (DMPF) | 10.0 |
Azoxystrobin | 12.0 |
Bromopropylate | 40.0 |
Carbofuran | 25.0 |
Carbaryl | 10.0 |
Carbendazim | 250.0 |
Chlorpyrifos | 25.0 |
Clothianidin | 25.0 |
Coumaphos | 8.0 |
Imidacloprid | 7.0 |
Thiamethoxam | 6.0 |
Fenpyroximate | 10.0 |
Imazalil | 6.0 |