Nitrofurans have been widely used in veterinary practice as antibacterial agents in the treatment of pigs, poultry, fish and shrimp. Bans on nitrofurans were introduced within the EU primarily because of concerns about their carcinogenicity and mutagenicity. Several other non-European countries have also banned all uses of nitrofurans in food producing animals.
The Randox Food Diagnostics AOZ ELISA test kit detects AOZ nitrofurans for aquaculture residues and drug residues in meat. Sample types include prawn/shrimp.
Product Number: NF3465
Assay | LOD (ppb) | Compound | Cross Reactivity |
AOZ | 0.06 (Prawn/Shrimp) | 4' NBIAOZ* Furazolidone | 100.00 1.61 |