

Nitrofurans are synthetic broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents which are rapidly absorbed and extensively bio-transformed, giving rise to protein-bound residues. The 3,5-dinitrosalicyclic acid hydrazide (i.e. DNSH) metabolite is readily transformed from the parent nifursol. The metabolites are routinely used as marker residues for control of the prohibited treatment of food-producing animals with nitrofurans in the European Union (EU)

This ELISA provides a fast, reliable, analytical method to detect the presence of DNSH in a test sample. If performing the test using duplicate wells, this kit has the ability to analyse 40 samples per plate.

Product Number: DNS10592

AssayLODDrug Residue% CR
AHD< 0.0011
SEM< 0.0009
AOZ< 0.0008
AMOZ< 0.0005
*LOD is standardised to this compound

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