Testing for Quinolones in Milk
Quinolones are a broad spectrum group of anti-microbial drugs that are used worldwide for the treatment of infections. They are effective against a range of pathogenic gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, disrupting the DNA gyrase enzyme, preventing them from replicating. In veterinary medicine, Quinolones are used to treat a range of respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections in a range of species including dairy cattle. The high usage of these drugs, both in a prophylactic and therapeutic manner, has led to many countries imposing a maximum residual limit (MRL) in foodstuffs.
Randox Food Diagnostics offer a simple ELISA platform for the screening of Quinolones in milk and meat, with sensitivities well below the standard worldwide MRLs of approx. 50-100ppb. Our kit has a simple sample preparation and excellent cross reactivity allows for the detection of up to 20 first, second and third generation Quinolone drug analogues.
Our InfiniPlex Array also allows for the detection of Quinolones and up to 44 other drug residues in milk. It utilises our innovative multiplexing Biochip Array Technology (BAT) and can be used for the high throughput screening of samples to ensure your milk is of the highest quality. To learn more about these and other milk testing products, please follow the links below or visit our website www.randoxfood.com for more information.
Product Number: QL3454
Product Number: EV4076